Sunday, June 16th - Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

Registration forms have been sent out. Please return form by Sunday, May 26th. See registration for more deadline info.

Tuesday evening, June 18th, a meal will be served. It is open the congregation. Stop by for a delicious meal and enjoy the relaxing setting on the lake.

Vacation Bible School August 7th, 2024

Thank you to those that have already signed up to volunteer!

At Celebrate the Savior VBS, children look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and discover that Jesus gives us the joy of eternal life with Him! Our loving God has given us so much to celebrate—family, friends, food, and especially forgiveness through faith in Jesus, our Savior. As kids explore five key events in the life of Jesus, they will discover how the love of Jesus fills us with joy. 

■ Wise Men from the East followed a special star to the place where Jesus was born. Filled with joy, they bowed down to worship Jesus and offer Him gifts. 

■ Four friends brought a man to Jesus for healing. Jesus, our best Friend, amazed everyone by healing both his body and his heart!

 ■ The disciples didn’t know how they would feed the crowd. Jesus showed that He provides for all our needs, both for this life and for life eternal. 

■ When Jesus died, His friends were filled with sadness. Then Jesus rose, and their sadness turned into joy! Jesus saves us, giving us hope and new life! 

■ Jesus’ followers couldn’t see why He had to die. After He rose, He opened their eyes to see how He had overcome sin and death. His love gives us joy

Registration forms and information have been sent out. Members - please check your church mailbox for information.

Youth Gathering

2025 Youth Gathering will be July 19-23, 2025 in New Orleans, LA.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.” (Hebrews 12:1-3)

 Guiding Principles

  • Youth Gatherings proclaim the Lordship of Jesus Christ and God’s saving grace to His people through Christ. In this setting, young people grow in their personal relationship with God and grow in their fellowship of Word and Sacrament in Christ’s Church.
  • Youth Gatherings are a vehicle by which the Church reaches out to, cares for and affirms young people, both churched and unchurched.
  • Youth Gatherings equip youth and adults for ministry and vocational service in a variety of settings in their congregations, communities, and world.
  • Youth Gatherings affirm, equip, and support adults who work with young people.
  • Youth Gatherings celebrate the meaning of Christian joy in all of life’s situations, including transitions and crisis.
  • Youth Gatherings recognize and affirm the diversity of God’s people
  • Youth Gatherings affirm, support, and promote the ministry of LCMS Districts and congregations.

Frequently Asked Questions 


To attend the Gathering it is necessary to show your commitment before and after the Gathering.  When you have made the decision to attend, fill out the commitment form and hand in to Jessica. You will be able to start fundraising right away. 

Commitment Form

F.L.Y. Club

FLY (First Lutheran Youth) Club is an afterschool program on Wednesdays from 3-5:00. This is for children in Kindergarten to 12th grade.  The ministry incorporates the Word of God, intergenerational friendships, and helps develop a resilient identity in Christ by providing an honest, warm, open space for youth to challenge their faith. We will work through Answers in Genesis curriculum. 

2:45-3:15 Snack

3:15-4:15 Christian Education (Answers in Genesis or Confirmation)

4:15-5:00 Youth Group

Youth Group will consist of large and small group activities. Play games, go outside (weather permitting), craft, service project if any, and on the last Wednesday of the month celebrate the monthly birthdays. 

We are looking forward to this new ministry after school and we can't wait to see what God has planned for us. 




Busing: First Lutheran is an afterschool drop off location. 

Walking: Children can walk to the church after school from the Middle School. If they currently ride the bus, have them ride to the Middle School and walk from there. It is 6 blocks to First Lutheran from the Middle School. 

Ride: You may choose to bring your child to First Lutheran, ride share with a friend.

If these choices do not work for you, please reach out so we can try to accommodate your needs. 
