Sunday Morning Bible Class

Wednesday Morning Bible Class

Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America






Pastor Bill Zeige references several Scripture passages as he expounds on the Greek words "rhema" (revelation) and "logos" (God's Word).



Romans 9:24-29, continued 

Pastor Patrick Lovejoy


Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 9:24-29, God's Word Stands 

Topics include: How does Paul's quoting of Hosea, originally applied to Israel's Northern Kingdom in the aftermath of it's subjugation under Assyria, apply to another people "living in darkness", and who are those people?, Paul quotes from Isaiah 10:22-23 in explaining why some of his own people were not believers., Comprehensive understanding of verse 9:28, to include God "cutting short" the time of Him finishing His work on earth., ... 

Pastor Lovejoy


Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 9:14-24, The Word of Mercy , conclusion 

Romans 9:24-29, God's Word Stands, pt 1 

Topics include: In the person of Jonah (Jonah 4:2), we see an extreme example of how a person can be an instrument of God's mercy.; In verse 9:24, Paul re-visits the same tone he began with in Romans 1:1-7; Paul's quotation from Hosea in 9:25-26 was a promise to the Northern Kingdom under the Assyrian exile which Paul deftly applies to the gentiles;, ...

Pastor Lovejoy, presenter


Special Presentation:

New Beginnings Pregnancy & Family Support Cntr


Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 9:14-24, The Word of Mercy 

Topics include: Paul"s method in laying out the "position" humanity has in relation to God.; Job 38 shows us the incomprehensible nature of God while God questions Job: ("... Have you walked in the recesses of the deep?..."); How might God use events in our lives to prepare us for what He has in store for us?; Has God failed in that not all Israel, in terms of descendancy from Abraham, is not part of the whole spiritual Israel?--(The answer is revealed in considering that God's foreknowledge is not necessarily the same as God's causing a thing) ... 

Rev Dr Patrick Lovejoy


Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 9:14-27, The Word of Mercy 

Pr. Patrick Lovejoy


Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 9:14-27, The Word of Mercy 

Pr. Patrick Lovejoy


Rediscovering Romans

Romans 9:6-13, Understanding God's Promise

Rev Dr Patrick Lovejoy


MN North District president, Rev. Brady Finnern, discusses biblical topics, explains aspects of a vicarage,  & answers varied questions.


Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 9:6-13, Understanding God's Promise 

Topics include: Is rejection of God's promise seen in the omission of Dan from the 12 tribes list in Revelation 7?, Is the act of God taking his love from King Saul a point of God giving Saul what he wants?, What ameliorates the "hate" statement Paul cites from Malachi ?,...

Rev Dr Patrick Lovejoy



Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 9:6-13, Understanding God's Promise 

Topics include: Further discussion of "the Promise" and how we have no ability to choose it; we can only reject it. ie If we believe God, it's all God's work and none of ours., + other discussion and attendee questions.

Pastor Lovejoy



Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 9:6-13, Understanding God's Promise 

Topics include: Excursus on the Lord's Supper (communion) including the question 'What is being offered there?'; challenges in the formation of LCMS's Chaplaincy Corp in WW2 and current challenges to the premise of "cooperation without compromise"; your belief does not change the nature of God; It is the Promise, not bloodline, that makes someone part of Israel, ... 

Rev Dr Patrick Lovejoy



Rediscovering Romans

Romans 9:1-5, Anguish & Advantage, (conclusion) 

Romans 9:6-13, Understanding God's Promise, (beginning) 

Topics include: In verse 5, Paul isn't trying to win an argument here or rebut what folks are saying about him in Rome. Why not?, In verse 5, Paul puts an exclamation point on Jesus' deity with a particular word., In 9:6, where does the blame lie in regard to his kinsmen's unbelief?, Archaeology is substantiating biblical references that once were criticized by skeptics., ... 

Pastor Lovejoy



Rediscovering Romans

Romans 9:1-5, Anguish & Advantage

Pastor Patrick Lovejoy



Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 8:31-39, Conquerors Because of God, in Christ 

Topics include: When Paul quotes from Psalm 44:22 in verse 36, the suffering spoken of is not that generally experienced in a fallen world.; How do Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 11 relate to verses 36-39?; ...

Pastor Lovejoy



Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 8:31-39, Conquerors Because of God, in Christ 

Topics include:  Paul alludes to God's work through the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 52; How does verse 35 set the stage for the rest of the chapter?;, ... 

Pastor Lovejoy



Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 8:31-39, Conquerors Because of God, in Christ 

Topics include: Old Testament parallels to verse 31 statement about God being on our side., How do we know God is for us? (ref 2 Corinthians 4:7-18), ...

Rev. Dr. Patrick Lovejoy



Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 8:8-13- Suffering & Glory 

Topics include: God's help in our weakness., If God can use all things for His ends, does that mean that all things are good?, Does the "predestination" spoken of here mean that God predestines some people to hell?, ... 

Pastor Lovejoy



Rediscovering Romans 

Romans 8:18-30, Suffering & Glory

Topics include: What is the Christian's hope for all things and all people?, verses 21-23 says something about what all Creation is waiting for., In what ways do observations in the world substantiate verses 19 and 20?, ... 

Rev. Dr. Lovejoy



Bearing Fruit, conclusion

Pastor Lovejoy



Bearing Fruit, part 2

Pastor Lovejoy





Bearing Fruit part 1 

Pastor Lovejoy



Romans 8:17-30 Suffering & Glory

Topics include: 8:17-18: Suffering- Why do bad things happen to good people?, When you were baptized, you didn't suddenly arise on a different planet., In suffering, we tend to ask " Where was God?", but we forget that He is the one who first asked that question of us., A striking aspect of The Eschaton is made.

8:19-20: The creation has been subject to futility., Sin is always accompanied by death in some way, and it always impacts the world around us., As dark and confusing as things get in the western world, the Gospel is blossoming in other regions., God reigns through suffering to comprehensively bring about His good will., ... 

Pastor Patrick Lovejoy



Romans 8:9-17,  Alive and Adopted

Topics include: talking to God; twin toddlers are alive because of a pro-life law-how the story was spun tells a lot about the world; deepening your view of your place in God's family; sloppy language is prevalent in today's world, including among some "experts" , ... 

Pastor Lovejoy



Romans 8:9-17,  Alive and Adopted

Topics include: The significance of all Christians being heirs of The Kingdom.; Referencing back the Genesis 3 after the fall- enmity with Satan was specifically directed at Eve and her Seed.; Adam and Eve likely thought that their firstborn was going to be that descendent (the Seed), rather than the fact that Christ was born many generations later.; Mankind is the only creature that was not created ex nihilo, ie., Adam and Eve were both made out of formerly created matter. ,... 

Rev Dr Patrick Lovejoy



Romans 8:9-17. Alive and Adopted 

Topics include: What is the mission of the Trinity?; God promised to put His Spirit in us through baptism, therefore it's not dependent on how we feel.; "What about my great-grandkids who haven't been baptized?"; In verses 12-13 Paul says how we should deal with the impulses of the body.; Why isn't it sexist that Paul calls all Christians "sons of God" in verse 14?", ... 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Lovejoy




Romans 8:1-8 (concluding), 9-17 

Topics include: Paul makes a statement in verse 8 we might initially recoil at..; Can unbelievers do good works? (ref Hebrews 11:6):; How is the tenor of Paul's message changing from that of chapter 7?; Why can we be sure of the transformation spoken of in verse 9, as supported by Romans 5:5; ,... 

Presented by Pastor Lovejoy




Romans 8:1-8, continued 

Topics include:  Paul's use of the concept  "being hostile to God".; Some people reply "the church is full of hypocrites" when asked if they attend church.  Is this an accurate or fair statement when considered comprehensively?, ...

Rev. Dr. Patrick Lovejoy



Romans 8:1-8 

Topics include: What is the sense of the word "condemnation" ?; What is "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ"?; The "righteous requirement of the Law"= to believe; Walking in "newness of life".; ... 

Pastor Lovejoy




Romans 7:15-25 

Topics include: We are not united in our sin, though it's common to all, but we believers are united in Christ Jesus..; In what way is The Cross manifested in the Old Testament?; How does Paul's proclaiming his guilt not contradict his proclamation of his innocence?; Only a Christian can proclaim what Paul says here about The Law.; God's Law constantly reminds us to ask "Who will save me"? (You don't want your salvation to be in your own hands);,... 

Pastor Patrick Lovejoy




Romans 7:7-14

Topics: Why is it ironic that Paul excerpts from Deuteronomy 30:11-20 when making the point that "the Law" brought death?; The Law is spiritual because it comes from God, and God is Spirit.,... 

Pastor Lovejoy



Romans 7:7-14

Topics/questions include: Romans is the epistle of theology/Galatians reflects the motivating spirit behind Paul's preaching.; What does Paul mean when he says that "before 'the law' sin laid dead"?; What does he mean by saying, "I died"?; How does the sinful nature misuse 'the law' to cause one to "keep score" instead of simply believing (in God's full mercy & our salvation)?; "Don't blame the tree"; ,,, 

Pastor Lovejoy



Genesis 2:15ff 

Questions/Topics include: How do we respect those in civil authority with whom we disagree, and how is David's dealing with King Saul instructive in this?; Love the sinner-hate the sin.; What is an unstated, but consistently underlying significance of Scripture's references to "the heart"?; How did Satan create disrespect for God?; How does Satan's deceptions often contain some truth?; ... 

Pastor Breitbarth



Romans 7:7-14 

Topics include: How does accusing Christ of wastefulness in conducting certain miracles miss the point? ; The conscience bears witness regarding the7th commandment.; Upholding God's law is not performed in the letter of it, only, but also in the spirit of it.; Is stealing a cheesecake a valid demonstration method?; We can't fulfill the law no matter how righteous we are.; ... 

Rev Dr Patrick Lovejoy



Romans 7:7-14 

Topics/questions discussed include: How does Paul address theological objections to his statements of verses 1-6?; How is it seen that Paul is speaking of more than his personal struggle only?; How do we all participate in this process of sinning?, ... 

Pastor Patrick Lovejoy



2 Peter 1:1-4

Pastor Bill Zeige



The session begins with a parishioner reciting the poem "The Touch of the Master's Hand" .

Romans 7:1-4

What is the significance of Paul referring to his hearers as "brothers"?; How does Paul use the Mosaic law pertaining to marriage as a metaphor for our relationship to the Law?; How is the former point related to our baptism into Christ?; Three cross reference passages reinforce what Paul is speaking to and show that it is not the Law that has died, but something else., ...

Pastor Lovejoy



Romans 6:20-23

Paul is teaching about the products of the old nature vs. that of the new- what are they?; When we observe the products of sin, we don't call down wrath- what do we do, instead?; When living according to faith & being rejuvenated in Christ, we get to see life.; Note Paul's contrast of the words "wages" and "gift", in this passage.; God doesn't cause evil-He reigns through it.; What pre-marriage practice jumps divorce rates up drastically, and why?; ... 

Pastor P. Lovejoy



Romans 6:16-20

Topics include: What does the "fruit of the Pharisees" have in common with the "fruit of the world"?; What's the difference between discerning and judging?; A surgeon told Pr. L about unexplainable outcomes which accentuate the supernatural.; Much of the lostness & confusion in the present world reflects ignoring the fact that truth comes from outside of us.; How is discussion of Marxism not a political discussion?; Why should we not look at people, even if antagonistic, as the enemy?; ... 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Lovejoy



Romans 6:16-20 

Topics include: How does the precise understanding of the term "obedience" help us understand Paul's admonition as encouragement?, Though Paul's referring to the Roman Christians "natural limitations" could be heard as an insult, how does Paul skillfully employ it to avoid offense?, Words matter- demonstrated in Paul's "formerly slaves to sin/now free to be obedient to righteousness, What gives us the desire to serve Christ at all?, What would be the worst thing about being in Hell?, What was Jesus's "baptism by fire"?, For What reason did Jesus appear in Hell?, ... 

The session ends with an announcement of First Lutheran's youth Bible Bowl team taking 1st place at the state competition. Yay !




Romans 6:13-18 

Pastor Lovejoy


Sunday Bible Class, 3/5/23

Romans 6:11 

Topics include: How is Jesus' resurrection different from the raising of Lazurus or the Nain widow's son?, How does the text speak to "cheap grace"?, What does it mean to be "in Christ"?, Why did Jesus have to be perfect?, Is there such a thing as "righteous anger"?, The war is over, having been won by Christ-the presence of evil is Satan 'throwing a tantrum', and we are to simply call it out., Christianity is the only religion where God moves to reconcile with man., ... 

Presented by Pastor Lovejoy


Sunday Bible Class, 2/19/23

Hatching-Matching-Dispatching:   A discussion of how individuals' attitude/connection to the church have changed over the last two-three decades. 

Led by Pastor William Zeige



Sunday Bible Class, 2/12/23

Romans 6:5-8

Topics include: What does baptism indicate?; What unmistakable truth does the Apostle state about baptism?; Our teachings must be based on scripture- we dare not create teachings to assuage our own consciences.; What is the most important thing parents can do for their children?, ... 

Pastor Lovejoy


Sunday Bible Class, 2/5/23

Romans chapter 6:1-3 

If death & sin no longer reign, why do we still have the effects of them?; How does the apostle treat the condition of what we today call "cheap grace"?; Although Paul speaks of having "died to sin", do we really want to speak of a "good death"?; ... 

presented by Pastor Lovejoy


May 3rd 

April 19th 

April 12th 

March 29th, 2023

Wednesday morning Bible Study on the book Afraid: Demon Possesion and Spiritual Warfare in America 

March 22nd 

Wednesday Morning Bible Study on the book Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America 

March 15th  

Wednesday Morning Bible Study on the book Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America 

March 8th

Wednesday Morning Bible Study on the book Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America


Wednesday morning Bible Class on the book Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America

Topics include: What is the prevalence of occult type spirituality in America?, Why did the Christian family exemplified in the book seek information from a conference on the paranormal, and how is it related to the availability of biblical pastoral care? ...

 Presented by Pastor P. Lovejoy

February 15th, 2023 

Wednesday morning Bible Study on the book Afraid: Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America 

February 1st, 2023 

Wednesday Morning Bible Study on the book Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America

January 25, 2023 

Wednesday Morning Bible Study on the book Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America

January 18th 

Wednesday morning Bible Study on the book Afraid: Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America


Sunday Bible Class, 1/2/23

Romans 5:18-19

Topics include: How do Paul's words here correlate with the prophet Isaiah's recorded in Isaiah 53:11?; How is one "made righteous"?; Our salvation is not a transaction- God comes to us-does it all- because, without His mercy in Christ, we are dead.; ... 

presented by Rev Dr Patrick Lovejoy

Sunday Bible Class, 1/22/23

Romans 5:14-16 

Topics include: How & why does the apostle strongly emphasize the unearnable aspect of God's grace?, What is meant by "requirement of faith" & wouldn't that negate the very thing Paul was emphasizing?, How can we possibly "rejoice in sufferings", and be confident and assured through them?, ... 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Lovejoy

Sunday Bible Class, 1/15/23

Romans 5:14-16 Topics include: How does Paul use Adam as a "type" for the Messiah?, What impact does this have on seeing Jesus as THE way, truth & life (John 14:6)?, How is grace like the gift of a puppy?, ...

 presented by Pastor Patrick Lovejoy 

Sunday Bible Class, 1/1/23, 

Book of Romans, continued 

Topics include:Sin shattered the "Very Good" of Genesis 1:31; Death spread to all, because all have sinned (Romans 5:12), ... 

Presented by Pastor Lovejoy


Romans 5:12-22 

Topics include: Death in Adam/Life in Christ, On our best day we're not even off the bottom of the pit (of our own accord), We have no experiential reference for God's perfection because all of creation is marred, "Sin" means "missing the mark" (of God's perfection), What replaced God's perfection within us?, How could Adam be a "type" of Christ?, What's the difference between "transgression" and "sin"?, ... 

Pastor Patrick Lovejoy

January 4th, 2023 

Wednesday Morning Bible Study on the book Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America

Week 2 December 21st 

Wednesday Morning Bible Study on the book Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America

Week 1 December 7th, 2022

Wednesday Morning Bible Study on the book: Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America. Books can be purchased or borrowed from the office.  

August 14, 2022 Romans 3:23; How have we humans fought against the truth that "... all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God ..." ?; "If we say we are without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." 1 John 1:8.; What means have people used to try to justify themselves?; ... Presented by Rev. Dr. Patrick Lovejoy

September 18th, 2022 Book of Romans (continued) Presented by Pastor Lovejoy

August 7th, 2022 Romans 3:21-26, The Righteousness of God Revealed by Faith Apart from the Law.

July 31st, 2022 Romans 3, continuing: What is spiritually impossible for us this side of the Eschaton?, What is "our righteousness"?. Is private confession a thing in Bible-adhering Lutheran churches?, What is the biblical definition of "Born Again"?, and other topics

Romans 3, continuing: What were the divisions among the Christians in 1st century Rome and how did Paul use the gospel to dispel them?, How could Paul say he was glad he had not personally baptized too many in Corinth?, Who were the Samaritans , what did they have to do with ancient Assyria, why were they disliked by many first century Jews, and why did Jesus feature one in a parable?, ... 

Romans 3:19-20:, What does it mean that "Every mouth may be silenced and the whole world be held accountable to God?"; How does God continue to speak to His creation?; God doesn't ask why I did a certain thing, only whether I'm guilty or not.; Can God both forgive and forget our sins?; Has your sin already been paid for?; How will people "give an account"?; ...
